The One Mindset Shift So We Can All Be Millionaires

“creating a new money mindset starts with releasing your money blocks.”

I recently had the opportunity to be a speaker at the Beyond Money Summit hosted by WealthNuvo, and shared the virtual stage with female powerhouses, including Rachel Rodgers, Founder of Hello Seven.

It was a female-led, knowledge packed two-day event that covered all things money including workshops on how to be financially confident and take financial control so that you can build a secure financial future. 

But, you aren’t going to embody that confidence and fully take control if your money and your mindset don’t align. During my presentation, I talked about how we all carry a money story, yet most people don’t even realize what their story is. That’s because your money mindset is constantly driven by your money blocks; the limiting subconscious thoughts and beliefs that cause you to take financial actions that DO NOT align with your  financial dreams.

So, if you’re living a life without the wealth and abundance you desire, the first step is to shift your mindset.  

Step 1: Identify your Financial Identity

You can never outperform your identity. 

If you live from an identity that says...

  • I’m a struggling single mother

  • Making a lot of money is for others, not me

  • I’m not smart enough or don’t have the right career to make a lot of money 

  • I have always been in debt and I will never get out of it

  • I never have enough money. I've always had to struggle and always will 

… guess what financial reality you are creating for yourself?

Your habits, behaviours and beliefs will always align with your financial identity. This identity has been shaped since childhood and is impacted by your adult experiences, environment and past mistakes. 

And as summit keynote speaker Rachel Rodgers shared, our childhood blocks have a significant impact on our identity. She talked about her own money story, proving that we do not need to allow our stories to define us or deny us of wealth and abundance.  Here’s a bit of what she shared:


“…the story begins when I’m a kid growing up and you know, we all receive lots of money messages and lots of money stories when we’re growing up and the story for me was you have to work really really hard to make money, and even if you work really really hard, you’ll never make enough. And so that was the message, my family had a lot of struggles, we were on food stamps at a certain point. Both my parents worked really hard but they both got laid off from good jobs, within a couple of weeks of each other… and so we’ve had times where we were financially comfortable and we came crashing down, financially.”


Journal Prompt: What childhood money stories are impacting my current financial identity?

Step 2: Shift your Financial Identity

The greatest mindset shift you can have. 

Creating the financial life you desire begins with living from a financial identity that aligns with that life. 

What is the identity of your future financial self?

  • What do they believe about money?

  • How do they manage their money?

  • How do they make financial decisions?

  • What do they believe they are worthy and deserving of?

When you learn to shift your mindset to align with “who” you want to become, that is when you embody that version of you and hold the mindset, habits and behaviours of that identity.

Journal Prompt: What is my future financial identity?

You are worthy of a life of wealth and abundance. Creating that life first begins with your mindset. 

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